Center for Creative
Psychotherapy Policies & Procedures
PAYMENT POLICY: CCT’s standard policy is that payment is made at each session. CCT accepts checks, cash, Visa and MasterCard (credit and debit), and Flex Benefit Cards (Visa or MasterCard).
FEES: Our regular fee is $140 per session. We use a sliding scale when indicated. We offer special rates for clergy and clergy family. We have continued a practice of assisting a certain number of individuals with very limited resources (usually as referrals from a church).
INSURANCE: In response to unfortunate changes made by the insurance industry, CCT has taken the following position and adopted the following policies regarding the use of insurance:
My support staff and I will continue to provide clients with the proper and necessary billing forms so that clients can file for insurance. We regret that, unlike in the past, we no longer file or follow up ourselves.
FREQUENCY OF SESSIONS: In my 35+ years of experience, I have learned to affirm that what makes therapy work is a commitment by both client and therapist to go as deep as possible and to hang in there during the sometimes rough ride. This means that weekly sessions are the norm until the issues are resolved. Some cases require either extended sessions or twice-weekly sessions. During the termination phase, sessions are scheduled less often.
LENGTH OF SESSIONS: I keep the standard 45-50-minute hour for a single session and a 90-100 minute session for extended sessions. We make every effort to begin on time and end on time. We find that this is a habit which supports good therapy. Occasionally, if the need arises, the schedule permits, and there is agreement by all parties to continue, I will extend the time in quarter-session segments; billing is prorated in the same quarter-session segments.
CANCELLATIONS: I normally expect a minimum 24-hour notice if you need to cancel a session (and more if at all possible). You can call 24 hours a day to leave a message. If 24-hour notice is not provided, you likely will be charged for the session. True emergencies are rare in our experience, and we will excuse those.
TERMINATION: If you feel like stopping therapy, please bring this up at the beginning of a session so that we have a chance to look at this in some depth. How long you stay in therapy, as with how hard you work at the process, is always in your hands. However, being able to reflect on this in a session or two, particularly after being involved in treatment for a few months, can be quite beneficial
Rev. 02/25/2013