David E. Roy, Ph.D.

5475 N. Fresno, Suite 109, Fresno, CA 93710

Voice: 559/435-7838, Fax: 559/435-6314, E-Mail: admin@cctnet.com


Present Position:

Director, Center for the Creative Transformation. CCT offers:



Educational Background:

Ph.D., 1978, School of Theology at Claremont; pastoral psychotherapy. Dissertation: ÒToward a Process TherapyÓ (integration of Whitehead's process thought with Gestalt Therapy theory)

Rel.M., 1972, School of Theology; preparation for Ph.D. program

24 graduate units in psychology, University of Arizona, 1966-67

B.A., 1966, Earlham College; psychology


Professional Licenses and Credentials:

American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Fellow

California Marriage, Family, Child Counselor License (MFT 8793)

Clinical Member, American Assn. for Marriage and Family Therapy

Clinical Member, California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists

California Community College Credential: Religion, Philosophy & Psychology


Clinical Training:

Academy for Guided Imagery -- Certification Completed, 1993 (150 hours)

EMDR, Level I, 1/94 (14 hours)

Imago Therapy (Marital), 20 hours, 6/97

Cross-Cultural Counseling, AAPC Pacific Region Fall Conference, 15 hours, 10/93

Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles, 1974-75 (30 weeks, 80 hours)

Clinical Pastoral Education (clinical internship) two quarters, basic and advanced, 1972 & 1974:

California Institution for Women, Chino

St. MaryÕs Alcoholism Treatment Program, Long Beach

Lanterman State Hospital, Pomona

Post-doctoral supervision by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists (300 hours), 1978-84

Post-doctoral supervision in career guidance and counseling (100 hours), 1983-84 (Center for Ministry, Oakland, CA, and Western Career Development Center, Los Angeles, CA)


Publications and Papers:



á      The Spirit of Therapy: Facilitating Creative Transformation (in preparation).

á      Toward a Process Psychology: An Model of Integration, Adobe Creations Press, 2000.


á      "The Correlation Between Whitehead's Theories of Concrescence and Perception," in Whitehead and Perception, ed. Franz G. Riffert, Peter Lang, 2007.

á      ÒThe Adventure of Pastoral Care and Counseling,Ó in the Handbook of Process Theology, ed. Jay McDaniel and Donna Bowman, Chalice Press 2006.

á      "The Promise of Process Psychology," in Searching for New Contrasts, ed. Franz G. Riffert and Michel Weber, Peter Lang, 2003.



á      ÒProcess Psychology: The Next Fifty Years,Ó published in the conference proceedings for the 12th Chinese Congress on Psychology (Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China) 11/7/2009.

á      Pastoral Care Implications of Four Texts, Lectionary Homiletics, August, 2005.

á      ÒClinical Implications of Whitehead's Anthropology,Ó Process Studies, Winter-Spring 2000 (29:1-2).

á      Pastoral Counseling Implications of Four Texts, Process and Faith On-Line Resources, April, 2000.

á      "The Web of Drops," Journeys, Summer-Fall, 1999 (1:2).

á      Pastoral Counseling Implications of Four Texts, Lectionary Homiletics, August, 1994.

á      ÒSpirituality and Psychotherapy: A Common Ground Across Boundaries,Ó The Journal of Pastoral Care, Summer, 1992 (46:2)

á      ÒThe Value of the Dialogue Between Process Philosophy and Psychotherapy,Ó Process Studies, Fall, 1985 (14:4)

á      Several sermons published in Creative Transformation.

Audio Tape:

á      ÒThe Grace Tape,Ó Center for the Healing Journey, 1993 (An introduction to grace and guided imagery meditations on grace)

Presented Papers:

á      ÒProcess Psychology: The Next Fifty Years,Ó presented at the 12th Chinese Congress on Psychology at Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China, 11/7/2009.

á      ÒFour Process Observations on Neuroscience & Spiritual Practices,Ó presented at the Conference on Neuroscience & Spiritual Practices, Claremont, CA, 10/12-14, 2008.

á      ÒThe Process Theologian Embodied in the Pastoral Counselor,Ó presented at the Legacy & Lure of John B. Cobb, Jr., Claremont, CA, Feb. 14-18, 2008.

á      "Whitehead and Gestalt Therapy: Towards a Process Psychology," presented at the 5th Field Being Conference, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, 8/26/01

á      "Psyche and Self in Process Psychology: An Introduction," presented at the Silver Anniversary International Conference on Whitehead, Claremont, CA 8/2-9/98.

á      "Consciousness: A Pivotal Concept for the Human Condition," presented at the third Conference on Consciousness ("Toward a Science of Consciousness"), Tucson, AZ, 4/98.

á      ÒThe Sacred in Our Soul: A Siren for Change, a Cradle of Love,Ó presented at the Process Philosophy and Transpersonal Psychology Conference, 3/96.

á      ÒThe View from the Chair: The Emergence of the Soulful SelfÓ, presented at the Process Philosophy and Psychotherapy Conference, 10/92.

á      ÒProcess Visions for Therapy,Ó presented at Process Visions for Therapy, 8/84

á      ÒConsciousness, Physiological Psychology and Process Thought,Ó presented at Process Philosophy and Physiological Psychology Conference, 1978 (with Roger Sperry)


Courses, Conferences, Workshops (as Presenter and/or Organizer):



á      ÒThe Role of Spiritually Rooted Compassion in a Sustainable Community,Ó 15-hours (one-unit) class at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ (7/24-26/2009).


á      Co-organizer of ÒSeeking a Deeper and Fuller Humanity: Process Visions for Psychology from East and West,Ó Claremont, CA, 4/1-11/2011 (Co-sponsored by the China Project, the Center for Process Studies, and the Claremont School of Theology. (Participants include approximately 20 professors of psychology from various universities in China.)

á      Organizer and sponsor for CCTÕs Annual Conference on Spirituality & Psychotherapy:

á      Speaker at the 12th Chinese Congress on Psychology (Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China) 11/7/2009. Paper: ÒProcess Psychology: The Next Fifty Years.Ó

á      Keynote Speaker, AAPC Pacific Region Fall Meeting, San Diego, 10/05: ÒFacilitating Creative Transformation: The Spirit of Therapy in the Postmodern EraÓ

á      Presenter at the 5th Field Being Conference, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, 8/2001

á      Coordinator and Presenter for the Inaugural Conference of the Assn. for Process Psychology, San Diego, CA, 11/99

á      Co-Chair and presenter for the Process Psychotherapy section of the Silver Anniversary International Conference on Whitehead, held in Claremont, CA, 8/2-9/98.

á      Presenter for Toward a Science of Consciousness -- Tucson III, Tucson, AZ, 4/98.

á      Major Presenter at the Process Philosophy and Transpersonal Psychology Conference, a weeklong meeting at the Esalen Institute, 3/96 (including John Cobb, David Griffin, Michael Murphy, Stan Grof, Rick Tarnas, Frances Vaughan, and others).

á      Chair, "The Spirit of Therapy," for the Fall Meeting of the Pacific Region of the American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors, Fresno, CA, 10/95

á      Co-Chair and Presenter at ÒProcess Philosophy and Psychotherapy Conference,Ó (Co-sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Psychotherapy Institute, The Center for Process Studies and The Clinebell Institute), Claremont, CA, 10/92

á      Chair of and Presenter at, ÒProcess Visions for TherapyÓ conference, Claremont, CA, 8/84.

á      Participant, ÒJung, Hillman and WhiteheadÓ conference, Claremont, CA, 2/83

á      Presenter at and Co-Organizer of ÒProcess Philosophy, Physiological Psychology and Roger SperryÓ (with Roger Sperry), Claremont, CA, 1978


Workshops & Lectures:

á      ÒThe Spiritual Heart of Therapy: An Inclusive Spirituality for All Growth and Healing,Ó a two-day (9-hour) workshop in Fresno, CA, 9/21-22/07

á      "The Spirit of Therapy: Facilitating Creative Transformation," three-hour session at the 2006 American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors' Annual Convention, Louisville, KY, 4/2006

á      "The Spirit of Therapy: Facilitating Creative Transformation," day-long pre-conference session at the 2004 American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors' Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, 4/2004

á      "The Spirit of Therapy," two-hour CEU workshop for the Fresno Chapter of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists, 3/04

á      "The Spirit of Therapy," two-hour CEU workshop for the Los Angeles Chapter of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists, 1/04

á      ÒAdvanced Practicum on Mindfulness in Psychotherapy,Ó day-long CEU workshop for MFTs & LCSWs, Fresno, 5/2002

á      ÒIntroduction to Compassionate Creativity,Ó day-long CEU workshop for MFTs & LCSWs, Fresno, 3/2002

á      "Mindfulness in Psychotherapy," day-long CEU workshop for MFTs & LCSWs, Fresno, 11/2001; 4/2002

á      Introduction to Process Psychology, day-long pre-conference session at the 2000 American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors' Annual Convention, Williamsburg, VA, 4/2000

á      The Spirit of Therapy: An Introduction to Process Psychology, day-long pre-conference session at the 1999 American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors' Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM, 4/99

á      Internet Marketing, two-hour workshop at the 1999 AAPC Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM, 4/99

á      Internet Resources for Psychotherapists, two-hour workshop at the 1999 AAPC Annual Convention

á      A Process Psychology Perspective on the Mind-Body Problem, Consciousness, and Spirituality, a two-hour workshop for the Fresno Chapter of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists, 5/98

á      "Dissolving Inner Barriers to Success," a two-hour workshop for the 10th Anniversary Central California's Women's Conference, Fresno, CA, 9/97

á      ÒSpirituality and Psychotherapy: A Process Group,Ó a six-week group for psychotherapists at Center for the Healing Journey, Fall of 1996, Fresno, CA.

á      ÒBeyond Turf Battles Over Body, Mind, and Soul: A Pastoral Counseling Mission for the 21st Century,Ó co-presenter for a four-hour workshop for the American Assn.. of Pastoral CounselorsÕ 33rd Convention, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 5/96

á      ÒSacred Intimacy,Ó a tow-hour workshop for MFT Day (sponsored by Fresno/CAMFT), Fresno, 3/96

á      ÒSpirituality and Psychotherapy: A Consultation Group,Ó an eight-week group for psychotherapists at Center for the Healing Journey, Fall of 1995, Fresno, CA.

á      ÒSpirituality for Growth and Healing,Ó MFT Day, Fresno, CA, 3/95.

á      "Soulful Psychotherapy: Parts Work," lecture to a general audience at Valley Women's Books and Gifts, Fresno, CA 1/95

á      ÒSpirituality for Growth and Healing,Ó four-hour workshop given at the Academy for Guided ImageryÕs Seventh Annual Conference, San Francisco (12/1-4/94)

á      ÒShame, Self-Esteem and Spirituality,Ó two-hour workshop at MFT Day, Fresno, CA, 3/94

á      ÒSpirituality for Growth and Healing,Ó lecture to a general audience at Valley WomenÕs Books and Gifts, Fresno, CA, 3/94

á      ÒSpirituality and Psychotherapy,Ó two-hour workshop at the Fresno Chapter of CAMFT, 11/93

á      ÒGuided Imagery,Ó lecture to Psychology of Religion class, Pacific College, 9/93

á      ÒShame, Self-Esteem and Spirituality,Ó lecture to a general audience at Valley Women's Books and Gifts, Fresno, CA, 5/93

á      ÒSpirit and Psyche: A Common Ground for Healing,Ó (two two-hour presentations), Spirit in Health Conference (national audience), San Diego Hospice, 8/92

á      ÒShame, Self-Esteem and Spirituality,Ó lecture at Sierra Gateway Hospital, Fresno, CA 11/92

á      ÒShame, Self-Esteem and Spirituality,Ó six-hour workshop at the Center for the Healing Journey, Fresno, CA, 5/92

á      ÒSpirituality and Addictions,Ó Lecture to Physicians at Community Hospital, Fresno, CA, 3/92

á      ÒSpirituality and Psychotherapy,Ó 90-minute presentation at the CSU Fresno Counseling Center, 5/91

á      ÒFamily Counseling,Ó lecture at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 4/91

á      Co-Presenter, ÒProcess Thought and Pastoral Counseling,Ó four-hour workshop at the 21st and 22nd Annual Conferencse for American Assn. Pastoral Counselors (1984, San Diego; & 1985, Minneapolis)

á      ÒSpirituality and Relationships,Ó lecture to Business and Professional Singles, Fresno, CA, 2/91

á      Leader and Presenter on ÒManagement of Creative Conflict within the ChurchÓ, 1984-86 (four three-hour workshops for the Mich. UCC Conference).



á      Guest on KNXT CH 49Õs Forum for a Better Understanding (3/19/07, 12/1/08, 12/15/08). Topics included contemplative spirituality, science and religion, Buddhism and Christianity.


Church Affiliation:

Adjunct staff, Wesley United Methodist Church (preach, teach, consultant to staff)

United Church of Christ (ordained, 1980)

Former Dean, Sequoia Association, Northern California-Nevada Conference, UCC


Boards, Offices and Honors:

Founder and Chair, Robinson Award Committee for the Outstanding Advocate for the Common Good

Past- President, Fresno Ministerial Association

Former Member, City of Fresno Human Relations Commission (2001-2003 )

Past President, Fresno Chapter of CAMFT

Past-Editor of Newsletter for the Pacific Region, American Assn. of Pastoral Counselors

Former Member of the Executive Committee, Pacific Region, AAPC (Treasurer)

Past Member, Steering Committee of Process and Faith

Past Member, Steering Committee of the Fresno Lay Institute of Theology

Past Member, Mental Health Task Force, Fresno Metro Ministry

Founding Member, Board of Directors of Institute for Religion & Wholeness (now the Clinebell Institute)

United Methodist Scholarship Seminarians Tour (CST)

National Defense Education Act Fellowship (U of A)


Professional Experience:

1990-present: Center for Creative Transformation, Director. Duties: Psychotherapy, pastoral counseling, supervision of clinical and support staff, conduct educational workshops for professionals (clergy and psychotherapists) and for the general public.

1989-91: Licensed Mental Health Clinician, Fresno County (First MFT hired by county mental health).

1988: Lecturer, California State University Fresno Taught a course on ÒMulti-cultural Aspects of CounselingÓ

1987-90: Senior Staff Therapist, Life Choices Counseling Center (Fresno, CA)

1986-87: Private Practice Psychotherapy (Kalamazoo, Michigan)

1984-86: Executive Director, Samaritan Center of Southwestern Michigan. Duties: Psychotherapy and supervision of psychologists, social workers and pastoral counselors, as well as administrative personnel. Related to more than 60 churches.

1976-84: Assistant Director, Community Counseling Service:

I. Director of Pastoral Advisory Committee program Duties: Psychotherapy, supervision of psychologists, social workers, marriage and family counselors and pastoral counselors, as well as support staff. Developed and maintained relationship with Mid-Wilshire Parish churches.

II. Director and senior counselor of career development program for clergy and laity under Western Career Development Center. Duties: counseling; supervision of professional and support staff. Related to denominational judicatories.

1982: Visiting Lecturer, Claremont School of Theology Taught ÒSchools of PsychotherapyÓ

1978-80: Consultant to professional staff of Maya Way (multi-ethnic residential drug-rehabilitation program for women)

1975: Instructor, Chaffey College -- Taught the Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships.

1973-75: Assistant Director, Pomona Valley Pastoral Counseling Center Supervision of clinical students and residents, evaluation and assignment of cases, psychotherapy, public relations. Initiated policy of payments to student trainees.